Saturday, July 12, 2014

6 months

 sucking on his bottom lip. haha. cracks us up!

14.5 lbs and 27 in.
  • simon has started solids! we started at 5 months, but didn't give him much for a few weeks because he didn't seem to like the stuff we were giving him. But now that fruits are in he likes it!
  • he is a VERY noisy eater. many times while he nurses he is grumbling, and with solids he does the same thing but does a very loud grumble if i am not quick enough with the spoon!
  • has a tiny tooth coming in on the bottom! super surprised since both of our families are super late with getting and losing our teeth (lost my last baby tooth when i was 16 and it had to be pulled).
  • has started moving on the floor! he uses his arms and goes to the side in a forward or backwards yet. he seems to enjoy tummy time much more now that he is good at holding things while he is on his tummy though.
  • LOVES to talk! a lot of "ba ba ba"and squeals and other silly noises. he is becoming a very silly boy, but a very happy one. and it is so fun!
  • when simon is tired he is very funny...he can go from super happy to really unhappy in a split second, there is no buildup when he is tired. it's pretty funny.
  • still nurses for much longer than any baby i have ever heard of. still 45 minutes to an hour usually. although i do get a 30 min one every once in a while now:)
  • he wants to hold anything and everything. if you are holding it or put it in front of him he will lean and try to grab it (pulled a cup of cold water off a restaurant table last week).
  • still kicks his legs A LOT. mostly when he gets excited.
  • he knows who his parents are, and is starting to cry around strangers if we aren't there:( sometimes.
  • he has this new thing where he sucks on his lower lip. it is so funny! i think it must be because of that little tooth coming in on the bottom.

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